Friday 2 November 2012

Crate Details

Wednesday 24th October: 

First of all we learnt how to add details to a crate, by adding lighting to create shadow and adding bullet holes for effect.

Notes: 3D Modelling  

Open UV editor

Detach the boxes from each other

Enlarge all of them (scale tool) 

Convert to editable poly

Name it low poly crate

Right click and select clone- copy

Name high poly crate

Right click- isolate selection – make sure high poly is selected

Use the edge tool (right menu) to draw a selection box over the crate

Hold Alt key and select all the lines which make up the corners (they should turn white) 

Right click- select chamfer- select the small box next to it and adjust the levels until the edges look smooth

Polygon mode- crlt A to select everything- Auto smooth button to the right – 15

Draw selection box over middle of box vertically- edge mode- right click- select connect (box next to it) and put segments up to 50

Right click- Connect- Do the same horizontally 

Go to vertex mode- right menu- drag the menu out

Tick use soft selection- under soft selection menu

Make small circles around the box and adjust the levels accordingly

Use one of the axis to shape the hole inwards 

Make sure the low poly crate is selected by using the freeze isolation tool- right click- isolate selection

Go to the modifier list- and select projection- select the object from the list and click add- open up the cage menu- tick shaded- increase the push amount until anything extruding is covered

Go to rendering- render to texture- projection mapping menu- tick enabled box

Mapping co-ordinates menu- Use existing channel for both

Add- low poly crate- normal map

Selected element common settings- tick enabled- call NormalsMap

Target map slot- bump

Maps- material editor- map slot- bump- click none- go to normal bump –double click- click none- find the bitmap

Default- turn bump up to 100%

Isolate the low poly crate

Create menu- lights- sky light- place anywhere in the scene

Rendering (low poly crate)- render texture- normalsmaps- delete- add shadows map


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