Sunday 14 October 2012

Making a crate


Box, 48, 48, 48 and then create- by keyboard entry

Right click- convert to editable poly (bottom option)

Select red box icon under ‘selection’  (right menu) and crtl and a to select all faces

Inset- by polygon- value 4

Make sure all selected (ctrl and select faces individually if not already selected), DO NOT use Ctrl and A to select the faces, they have to be selected individually!

Click extrude (the box next to it) in the right hand menu- value -4

Click off to see the extrusion has worked correctly 

Click square next to editable poly so that it disppears

Unwrap UVW

Open UV editor button

Select red cube at bottom of the UV editor window

Ctrl and A to select all of the faces

Mapping- flatten mapping- change values accordingly- press ok

 Make sure you’re not in editable poly mode! 
Drag all faces out of area

Move one of the squares /faces (any one) into your work area

Press grey box to select whole cube, with edges

Select the cubes with edges with the grey cube button on and drag across

Click each edge and right click and press stitch

Deselect the grey cube and select the red cube (polys), select each polly edge inidivually, right click and select break

Deselect the red cube and select the triangle to select the edges, right click and select stitch to join them together (make sure any connections have been broken)  

Reclick checkerpattern (checker)

Don’t stitch the corners together, it makes the material texture distorted

From here follow the steps which we learnt last time 

Mapping- render UVW template 

Then save it and go into Photoshop to add texture to the template 

Go back into 3Ds Max and press M to bring up the material editor

After the texture has been applied it should look something like this: 

To apply texture to only certain sides:

Go to the uv editor

Select a face (all of it)- right click- select copy- select another face- right click and select paste: this copies the co-ordinates of the previous face and stacks them on top of each other, carry on doing this until theres only one square, then scale the square to fit the work area 

Do the same for this crate template as for the previous one:

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