Sunday 2 December 2012


Create a cylinder with 6 height segments and then use the scale tool to squash it into a handle shape

Use inset by right clicking- then pick the amount and press the green tick

Using the scale tool pull on the z axis 

Using the edge tool select the middle horizontal line and press loop- tick soft selection in the right menu and adjust the fallout to adjust the degree that the shape is altered by from the middle

Using polygon mode select the very top of the handle and Inset the top of the handle to create a guard

Click on one of the vertical edges at the very top and select ring and then press polygon mode

Use the bevel tool and group by local to pull out the selection and create a guard- use the selection tool and pull up the z axis to shape the guard 

Go down to polygon smoothing groups in the right menu and in polygon mode select a polygon and then ctrl and A- click clear all

Drag a selection over the handle only and click on the smoothing group 1

Select the bottom bevel and press alt and left click to deselect the very bottom and then give it a smoothing group of 2 

Select underneath the guard at the top and in polygon mode and give it a smoothing group of 2, this different smoothing group from the handle makes it stand out and become more defined when the light hits it from the other parts of the handle 

In polygon mode select a segment, hold shift and click another segment to ring the selection quickly

Do the same for the rest of the guard- using a smoothing group of 1 for the outside rim and 2 for the inside of it- they have to be different smoothing groups if the parts are touching otherwise they blend into one, losing the effect of the shadow 

Go to the modify tool and select the shapes tab, go to the line tool and create a sword shape about 6 units long

Right click on the line and convert it to an editable poly 

Go to extrude and make the height very high, then in polygon mode delete the end to make it hollow

In vertex mode select the 4 points of the sword which create a rectangle and not the pointed part- then click bridge and pull them together

Select the first 2 vertexes down the face of the sword, right click and the use the weld tool, getting them as close together as possible

Using edge mode select the middle of the sword, right click and select connect- use 8-10 segments 

In vertex mode figure out which end is the pointed end and then in the left wireframe view start to move the vertexes around so that it looks more like a sword shape- do this until you’re happy with the shape of the blade- try to make the vertexes line up 

Go to edge mode and select one of the middle edges then press loop, if only one side loops press ctrl and select an edge on the other side then press loop again- pull out the sword on the x axis (red line) until you’re satisfied with the width 

Highlight the bottom sections using polygon mode and give them a smoothing group of 3 on one side of the sword then do the same for the other side but changing the group to 4
Do the top sections with a smoothing group of 1 and the other side a smoothing group of 2 

Unwrap the handle- select all of the handle apart from the guard and the bottom bevel using the polygon tool- click on the cylinder projection and then click fit and center

Click on the Y if your sword is facing in the direction of the y axis

Unselect the cylinder projection 

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