Monday 10 June 2013



The first model which I created was a fish tank to go into my UDK level; I wanted to focus my attention on creating a relatively complex high poly model so that I was able to learn a variety of new techniques and tools in Max. One of the main problems which I experienced was with the opacity map which I used to create the fish inside the tank, at first there was a lack of transparency in the Photoshop document. This meant that when I put the texture on the fish in Max a white outline surrounded the main picture, in order to rectify the issue I went into the material editor and changed the glass which I used for the tank from Physical glass too glass (thin geometry). Another problem which I experienced was when trying to create and texture the legs. First of all I attempted to use a cylinder and move the vertexes into place however this didn’t create a shape which resembled the leg on my reference image. I decided to learn how to use splines to create the legs; I found it relatively easy to use and effective. One of the main things which I learnt from this process is that I have to group all of the pieces of the model together and unwrap everything in order to take the model textured into UDK; unfortunately I didn’t do this on my first model. However, on my low poly broom model I did unwrap everything onto one map which meant that I was able to take it into UDK. Another thing which I learnt is how to keep the poly count down by deleting polys which won’t be seen by the player and reducing the amount of connects when creating each shape, when experimenting with Max in my own time the poly count came to 35,000, my tank came to 1,440 polys altogether. I am relatively happy with how my fish tank came out however if I was to re-create it I would have made more of my own textures for the model.
  Creating the alchemy set was relatively simple as the model wasn’t very complex due to the small amount of primitives which I used. One issue which I did experience with it was that I used smaller shapes to put inside the models which I already had, this made it very confusing when trying to texture the inside models as the programme became confused as to what I was selecting. I managed to solve this by using the wireframe view to select the inside models. Even though this model was very simple I am happy with it, I would of liked to add some more detailing with the use of textures and perhaps some of tools, such as inset/bevel.
The final asset which I created was a low poly broom, it was relatively simple create as the reference image provided me with the basic shape which I needed to model around. One aspect which I did struggle with was trying to texture the head of the broom as I needed the texture to be wrapped all the way around. At first I tried using an opacity map and placing it onto a plane however a white outline showed up around the image and it could only be viewed from 2 perspectives. I used a cone instead so that I could wrap the texture around it allowing it to be seen from all sides. The texturing was also very tedious as when I attempted to unwrap the whole model using the unfold mapping it became skewed due to the fact that the cylinders were all at different angles. So I had to select each cylinder and unfold map some of the sections and use a cylinder projection map for others. The broom model I wasn’t as satisfied with due to the head looking a bit too heavy considering it’s meant to be bristles which are very thin, If I was too do the model again I definitely would have experimented more with the opacity map and attempted using that to create a bristle effect. 

Model in UDK

I was able to export my broom model out of 3DS Max and import it into UDK, here's a video of what the model looks like in my game level. 

HD Rendered Perfume Bottle

This is a very high poly model which i made in my own time, it came too 3,608 poly's altogether. 

Glass and Reflection

These are some very brief notes on how i created glass and used reflection in 3DS Max: 

Glass texture:

Open material editor

Click standard

Double click Arch & Design

In Templates select a material from the drop down menu, for a glass material, select Glass (Physical)

To get a reflection:

Go to Render Setup in the top right corner

Select the Common tab

Scroll down to Assign Renderer

In ‘Production:’ select NVIDIA mental ray

Final HD Renders

Alchemy Set-


Fish Tank

Galleon Ship

This is the very first model which i created and is still in development: 

Ideas for my 3D Max Object

Click on the link to see my research doc for the first model which i created: